
1.000 Zugvögel krachen gegen Gebäudefenster in Chicago

In a startling and tragic incident, over 1,000 migrating birds collided with building windows in Chicago, resulting in devastating consequences for these beautiful creatures. The incident occurred during the night, when the birds mistake the lights in the downtown area for stars and get disoriented. As a result, they unintentionally collide with the glass windows of the towering buildings, causing mass casualties to the migrating birds.

Migration is an awe-inspiring natural phenomenon, with birds flying thousands of miles across continents to seek better climates and breeding grounds. Every year, millions of birds undertake this arduous journey, and Chicago is one of their stopover points. The city’s location, with Lake Michigan acting as a navigational beacon for the birds, makes it a crucial resting area.

However, the bright lights of the city can produce deadly consequences for these migratory birds. In the darkness of the night, they become attracted to the illuminated structures downtown, mistaking them for the stars they use for navigation. The result is a deadly collision with the glass windows, causing injuries, and often death, to these unsuspecting creatures.

The recent incident in Chicago saw over 1,000 birds crashing into the glass windows of the buildings, leading to an alarming loss of life. Volunteers and concerned citizens were quick to come to the rescue, trying to save as many injured birds as possible. Organizations like the Chicago Bird Collision Monitors worked tirelessly to rescue the injured and conduct surveys to monitor the scale of this tragedy.

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While this incident in Chicago is tragic, it is unfortunately not an isolated one. Across cities, collisions with buildings are a leading cause of bird fatalities during migration. The clear or reflective windows effortlessly deceive the birds, resulting in a fatal collision. These accidents are preventable, and it is crucial for cities to take proactive measures to mitigate this ongoing problem.

One of the most effective methods is modifying building designs to minimize collision risks. Architects and builders can use bird-friendly glass or incorporate measures like etched patterns, external screens, or ultraviolet-reflective glass—to make windows more visible to the birds. These modifications would serve as a visual cue to the birds, alerting them to the presence of the glass and preventing accidents.

Additionally, individuals can play their part in reducing bird collision incidents. Lowering shades or curtains at night, especially during migration seasons, can reduce the reflection of lights and minimize bird attraction towards buildings. Citizen-led initiatives to raise awareness about bird-friendly practices can also go a long way in fostering a sense of responsibility among the community.

Furthermore, cities like Chicago can invest in education and awareness programs to inform the public about the significance of bird migration and the detrimental impact of building collisions. Local schools, nature centers, and community organizations can collaborate to raise awareness among students and the general public about the importance of protecting these migrating birds. By instilling a sense of responsibility and empathy towards nature, we can encourage a culture where the conservation of birds becomes a collective effort.

إقرأ أيضا:تعرف علي استقبل تردد قناة العيون المغربية الجديد 2024 نايل سات 2024

The recent incident in Chicago serves as a poignant reminder of the threats that migratory birds face during their journey. It highlights the urgent need for cities to address this issue and take proactive steps to prevent further tragedies. By employing bird-friendly building designs and raising awareness among citizens, we can ensure a safer environment for these magnificent creatures and preserve the beauty of migration for generations to come.

De Fassade eines Kongresszentrums ist Zugvögeln zum Verhängnis. Etwa 1.000 Tiere vloog door het raam en de sterren.

Ongeveer 1.000 vogels zijn op een avond de ramen van de conferentiecentra in Chicago komen bezoeken en daar hun leven doorbrengen. U bent tenslotte van harte welkom om hier te blijven, stuur een bericht naar US-Medien am Freitag (Ortszeit). Ze zijn trots op hun tragische jaren, vooral op de ervaringen van de natuurlijke en vruchtbare migratie van de Zugvögel. In de afgelopen 40 jaar is het Chicago Natural History Museum Field nog steeds springlevend en goed gedocumenteerd, schrijft de Einrichtung am Freitag op Instagram.

“Het was echt frustrerend”, zegt vogelexpert David Willard van het tijdschrift Chicago Tribune. “De mens ziet een Rosenbrust-Kernknacker, er zit nog meer in die Peruanen. En ze zijn geboren, als er in Chicago niet een raam gevlogen zou zijn.” Mogelijk is de groene omgeving voor de toekomst ook te zien vanuit de ramen van de congrescentra en ook passende wetgeving.

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Natter kielzog viel Vögel an

Regen en warme temperaturen hebben de trek van vogels veroorzaakt, waarna al het lichte weer is begonnen, meldt de CBS-omroep. En vooral als u Zugvögel in de Gegend gewesen ziet, zult u blij zijn Douglas Stotz vom Field-Museum dem Sender CBS te leren kennen. Met deze twee grote aantallen toeristen zag Art in Chicago binnen een nacht ongeveer 200 vogels, zei Stotz later.

“Jeden Tag in der Frühlings- und Herbstmigrationszeit stehen unsere Wissenschaftler und Freiwilligen bei Sonnenaufgang auf, um nach Vögeln zu suchen, die sind in die Fenster des Kongresszentrums”, schreef het Field-Museum op Instagram. Wenn Vögel die Kollisionen überleben behandelt, würden sie von Tierärzten. “Als de vogels hun leven niet leiden, worden ze het museum binnengebracht”, vindt u hier meer informatie. Zij dienen het wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Ook de klimaatwandeling brengt je naar de Zugvögel.

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